Our Vision
To be an institute of excellence to inculcate scientific temper and generate & nurture creativity especially in the young minds.
Our Mission
We will be a place for :
- Education: To provide young people with the opportunity to explore informal ways of supplementing formal education.
- Widening knowledge: To offer everyone – children and adults, general public and students – avenues to experience its well equipped resource centres.
- Demonstrating emerging technologies: such as nano-technology, micro-machines, levitation, genomics etc.
- Information: To disseminate information on the latest developments in science and technology.
- Innovation: To provide opportunity to individuals to try out their ideas in the design and development of new products.
- Edutainment: To learn through experience, fun and entertainment.
Our Objectives
- To supplement formal science education, to create excitement among the students about science & technology and to enthuse them to take up careers in science & technology
- To promote creativity and innovation among the young generation
- To build scientific temper among the general masses and to develop informed and knowledgeable society.